Mosquito is a general name given to a range of 3500 species that contribute a major role in spreading virus-borne diseases. These mosquitoes are categorized in the family ‘Culicidae’. Apart from being a fly, they have a segmented body, three pairs of legs, elongated mouth(Proboscis), multiple wings, etc. These flies feed on human and animal plasma. Being filthy blood-sucking prey, they are also known as disease carriers. The United States has a large number of 176 mosquito species. From which three major species reside in Georgia.
Marietta being the most vulnerable mosquito city of Georgia faces several cases of Zika virus and West Nile Virus. Mrs. Mosquito nurtures your household with the best profound pest control that keeps away all house-infesting insects, rodents, and mosquitoes. Along with the nearby water bodies, climatic conditions seem perfect for the mosquitoes to breed and hatch after the winter season.